Figure 3-15 shows the essential parts of the pan-type humidifier. The main part is a tank of water heated by low-pressure steam or forced hot…
An air washer essentially consists of a row of spray nozzles inside a chamber or casing. Atank at the bottom of the chamber provides for…
Humidifiers, by definition, are devices for adding moisture to the air. Thus, to humidify is to increase the density of water vapor within a given…
Air filters are commonly installed in the outdoor air intake ducts of the air-conditioning system and often in the recirculating air ducts as well. Air…
The wet (or viscous) filter makes use of an adhesive in which the dust particles are caught and held upon impingement. It also makes use…
Dry filters are usually made in standard units of definite rated capacity and resistance to the passage of air. At the time the installation is…
The dust removed in the filters may be classified as poisonous, infective, obstructive, or irritating and may originate from an animal, vegetable, mineral, or metallic…
The effect of dust on health has been properly emphasized by competent medical authorities. The normal human breathes about 17 times a minute. The air…
Air ducts may be designed with either a round or a rectangular cross section. The radius of elbows should preferably be at least 1.5 times…
The volume of air required is determined by the size of the space to be ventilated and the number of times per hour that the…