LED display for master/slave judgment remained to be turned off the test operation of the multi system of two VRV II units though the unit being connected to the indoor-to-outdoor unit connection wire should be judged as a master unit normally.
At that time, the same LED for the slave unit of outdoor multi connection was blinking.
Instead of connection of “outdoor multi terminals (Q1 and Q2)”, “outdoor-to-outdoor (F1 and F2)” connection was being applied at the time of multiple operation.
Recovers by correcting the wire connections between outdoor units to “outdoor multi (Q1 and Q2)”.
Point of Diagnosis
Select the method of connection of outdoor units from the following two methods, A and B.
A. Batch connection between outdoor units of different systems ?Connect the “Out – Out terminals (F1 and F2)”.
B. Multiple connection of the same system ? Connect the “outdoor multiple terminals (Q1 and Q2)”.