Discharge-bypass valves (DBV) respond to changes in downstream or suction pressure (see Fig. 11-37). When the evaporating pressure is above the valve setting, the valve remains closed. As the suction pressure drops below the valve setting, the valve responds and begins to open. As with all modulating-type valves, the size of the opening is proportional to the change in the variable being controlled. In this case, the variable is the suction pressure. As the suction pressure drops, the valve opens further until the limit of the valve stroke is reached. However, on normal applications there is not sufficient pressure change to open these valves to the limit of their stroke. The amount of pressure change available from the point at which it is desired to have the valve closed to the point at which it is to be open varies widely with the refrigerant used and the evaporating temperature. For this reason, DBVs are rated on the basis of allowable evaporator temperature change from closed position to rated opening. A 6°F (3.3°C) change is considered normal for most applications and is the basis of capacity ratings.