1. Run the vehicle with the AC turned on for more than 2 minutes. Turn off the vehicle and wait 3 minutes before connecting the test fixture to the vehicle
2. Add a couple drops of water to a test plug.
3. Assemble the hose, test plug, and quick-connect fitting.
4. Connect the quick-connect coupling to the high side service port.
5. Monitor the flow rate on the tool and note the level of the floating ball after about 20 seconds.
6. Wait 2 minutes and monitor the flow rate on the tool.
7. If the rate does not drop, then the refrigerant does not have sealer. If the rate does drop, then the refrigerant is tainted with sealer and an AC machine should not be connected to the system unless it has a special filter that safely removes the sealer.
A drop of water should be added to both sides of the small test plug prior to connecting it to the rest of the tester. The water will cause the stop-leak substance to become a solid during the sealer test
The quick-connect coupling, test plug, hose, and flow gauge are assembled prior to connecting the apparatus to the
The quick-connect coupling snaps onto the high side service port in the same way as the service hoses do. This process is tedious because the test plug is near the quick connect and could easily snap out while connecting to the
The flow for this test is simply measured with a small ball in a plastic cylinder. The ball moves vertically when the refrigerant is passing through the test plug and up the rubber
The flow of refrigerant is checked after 2 minutes to see if the flow rate has dropped. A drop in flow would indicate that sealer is present in the AC system. The drop in flow would be caused by the sealer mixing with the water that was added in the test