Hermetic Compressor Analyzer

The hermetic compressor analyzer (Figure 1-28) is a single test instrument used to make multiple tests on hermetic compressors. This device eliminates the need for using a combination o f other test instruments such as the capacitor tester and volt-ohm-milliammeter. Similar to a clamp-on ammeter, the hermetic compressor analyzer uses clamp-on sensors that allow testing of the compressor without disconnecting the wires. The hermetic compressor analyzer uses computer electronic circuitry to diagnose the problem and guide the service technician directly to the cause. A typical hermetic compressor analyzer can test hermetic compressors in the 200 to 20,000-watt (20 kW) class with current draws ranging from 3 to 200 amperes. It can test a compressor for starting torque, insulation breakdown, mechanically frozen condition, open or shorted capacitors, value of capacitance in MFD, open start or run windings, and open relays.

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