Lennox Pulse Furnace Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting procedures for the Lennox Pulse furnaces are shown in Fig. 2-20. Figure 2-21 shows the circuitry for the G-14Q series of furnaces. Note the difference in the electrical circuitry for the G-14 and GSR-14. Blower speed color-coded wires are also indicated for the different units. The 40, 60, 80, and 100 after the G-14Q indicates whether it is a 40,000, 60,000, 80,000, or 100,000 Btu/h unit. Thermostat heat anticipation is also given for the Robertshaw valve and the Rodgers valve. This type of electrical diagram is usually glued to the cabinet so that it is with the unit whenever there is need for troubleshooting.

The troubleshooting flow chart is typical of those furnished with newer equipment in the technical manuals furnished the dealers who provide the service. After locating the exact symptoms, check with the other part of Fig. 2-20 to find how to use the multimeter to check out all the circuitry to see if the exact cause of the problem can be determined.

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