usually found at the top of the regulator. In an electrically compensated regulator, turning the stem to obtain different refrigerant pressures and temperatures in the evaporator is accomplished by a small electric motor. This motor rotates the adjusting stem in accordance with temperature variations in a thermostatic bulb placed in the medium being cooled as it leaves the evaporator. The adjusting stem, spring, and controlling diaphragm have been separated from their positions at the top of the regulator. They have been placed in a small remote unit mounted on a common base with the motor and gear drive. This compensating unit may be located in any convenient place within 20 ft of the main regulator. The unit is connected to it by two small pipelines. These convey the pressure changes set up by the control diaphragm.
The total arc of rotation of the motor and the large gear on the motor acting through the smaller pinion on the adjusting stem of the diaphragm unit will rotate the stem about two turns. This is sufficient to cause the regulator to vary the evaporator pressure through a total range of about 13 lb (see Fig. 10-27).