The stator winding of a single-phase motor is generally tested with an ohmmeter. The ohmmeter test can be used to determine if a winding is open or grounded. Many single-phase motors have one lead of the run and start windings connected as shown in Figure 11–15. To test the windings for an open, connect one ohmmeter lead to the common motor terminal, and the other meter lead to the run winding. The ohmmeter should indicate continuity through the winding. The resistance of the run winding of a single-phase motor can vary greatly from one motor to another. The winding resistance of a single-speed motor may be only one or two ohms, while the resistance of a multi-speed fan motor may be 10 to 15 ohms.
To test the start winding for an open, connect the ohmmeter leads to the common terminal and the S terminal. The start winding should indicate continuity, and should have a higher resistance than the run winding. This difference of resistance may not be great, but the start winding should have a higher resistance than the run winding.
To test the stator winding for a ground, connect one of the ohmmeter leads to the case of the motor, Figure 11–16. Alternately check each motor terminal with the other ohmmeter lead. The ohmmeter should indicate no continuity between either winding and the case of the motor.
A shorted start winding can sometimes be detected by the fact that the motor will not start, but will run if the shaft is turned by hand. The motor will produce a humming sound but will not turn when power is first applied to it. The shaft can be turned in either direction by hand and the motor will continue to run in that direction.