Daikin VRV – Abnormal Judgment for Various Sensors

When pressure sensor, thermistor or current sensor detects an abnormal value (upper limit value or more, or lower limit value or less), the unit will be halted with display of “Abnormal cord”. [Abnormal stop]

Outdoor Unit

R22 model R407C model R410A model
Sensor name Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Malfunction code
symbol value value symbol value value symbol value value
High-pressure sensor SENPH 71.4°C –40.5°C SENPH 74.4°C –35.7°C SINPH kg/cm 43 2 kg/cm20.1 JA
Low-pressure sensor SENPL 26.8°C –53.5°C SENPL 32.7°C –39.6°C SINPL kg/cm 18 2 kg/cm–0.12 JC
Outdoor air thermistor Th1 90.0°C –43.7°C R1T 90.0°C –43.6°C R1T 90.0°C –43.6°C H9
Heat exchanger
thermistor Th2 90.0°C –43.7°C R2T 90.0°C –43.6°C R4T 90.0°C –43.6°C J6
Discharge pipe
thermistor Th3-1 196.0°C –10.2°C R3-1T 165.0°C –20.0°C R31T 165.0°C –20.0°C J3
(For INV)
Discharge pipe
thermistor Th3-2 196.0°C –10.2°C R3-2T 165.0°C –20.0°C R32T 165.0°C –20.0°C J3
(For STD)
Suction pipe
thermistor Th4 90.0°C –10.2°C R6T 90.0°C –43.6°C R2T 90.0°C –43.6°C J5
Oil temperature
thermistor Th5-1 90.0°C –10.2°C — — — — — — JH
(For INV)
Oil temperature
thermistor Th5-2 90.0°C –10.2°C — — — — — — JH
(For STD)
Header thermistor Th6 90.0°C –10.2°C R4T 90.0°C –43.6°C 90.0°C –43.6°C J7
Current sensor T1A 40A 5A T1A 40A 5A J2
Applicable models RXY ~ K(A) RNY ~ K(A) RXYP ~ KRSXYP ~ L RXY(Q) ~ M

Indoor Unit

R22 model R407C model R410A model
Sensor name Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Electronic Upper limit Lower limit Malfunction code
symbol value value symbol value value symbol value value
Heat exchanger liquid
pipe thermistor Th2 120°C –50°C Th2 120°C –50°C R2T 120°C –50°C C4
Heat exchanger gas
pipe thermistor Th3 120°C –50°C Th3 120°C –50°C R3T 120°C –50°C C5
Suction air thermistor Th1 130°C –40°C Th1 130°C –40°C R1T 130°C –40°C C9
Discharge air
thermistor Th4 130°C –40°C Th4 130°C –40°C R4T 130°C –40°C CA
Remote controller
thermistor for suction Th 130°C –40°C Th 130°C –40°C R1T 130°C –40°C CJ
Applicable models G ~ KA type P ~ K type Q ~ M type

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