ORD valve operation

The ORD valve is a pressure differential valve. It responds to changes in the pressure difference across the valve (see Fig. 11-34). The valve designation stands for opens on rise of differential pressure. Therefore, the ORD is dependent on some other control valve or action for its operation. In this respect, it is used with either the ORI or ORO for head-pressure control.

As either the ORI or ORO valve starts to throttle the flow of liquid refrigerant from the condenser, a pressure differential is created across the ORD. When the differential reaches 20 psi, the ORD starts to open and bypasses hot gas to the liquid drain-line. As the differential increases, the ORD opens further until its full stroke is reached at a differential of 30 psi. Due to its function in the control of head pressure, the full stroke can be utilized in selecting the ORD. While the capacity of the ORD increases as the pressure differential increases, the rating point at 30 psi is considered a satisfactory maximum value.

The standard pressure setting for the ORD is 20 psig. For systems where the condenser pressure drop is higher than 10 or 12 psi, an ORD with a higher setting can be ordered.

Head-pressure control can be improved with an arrangement such as that shown in Fig. 11-35. In this operation, a constant receiver pressure is maintained for normal system operation. The ORI is adjustable over a nominal range of 100 to 225 psig. Thus, the desired pressure can be maintained for all of the commonly used refrigerants—12, 22, and 502 as a well as the latest alternatives.

The ORI is located in the liquid-drain line between the condenser and the receiver. The ORD is located in a hot-gas line bypassing the condenser. During periods of low ambient temperature, the condensing pressure falls until it approaches the setting of the ORI valve. The ORI then throttles, restricting the flow of liquid from the condenser. This causes refrigerant to back up in the condenser, thus reducing the active condenser surface. This raises the condensing pressure. Since it is really receiver pressure that needs to be maintained, the bypass line with the ORD is required.

The ORD opens after the ORI has offered enough restriction to cause the differential between condensing pressure and receiver pressure to exceed 20 psi. The hot gas flowing through the ORD heats up the cold liquid being passed through the ORI. Thus, the liquid reaches the receiver warm and with sufficient pressure to assure proper expansion-valve operation. As long as sufficient refrigerant charge is in the system, the two valves modulate the flow automatically to maintain proper receiver pressure regardless of outside ambient temperature.

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