AH compressors

The AH compressors are designed for residential and commercial airconditioning and heat pump applications (see Fig. 9-17). They can be obtained with either three- or four-point mountings (see Fig. 9-18). The internal line-break motor protector is used. It is located precisely in the center of the heat sink position of the motor windings. Thus, it detects excessive motor winding temperature and safely protects the compressor from excessive heat and/or current flow (see Fig. 9-19).

The snap on terminal cover assembly is shown in Fig. 9-20. It is designed for assembly without tools. The molded fiberglass terminalcover may be secured or held in place by a bale strap.

This AH compressor series has a run capacitor in the circuit, as shown in Fig. 9-21. This compressor is designed for single-phase operation. Figure 9-22 shows the terminal box with the position of the terminals and the ways in which they are connected for run, start, and common.

The AH compressors are rated in Btu per hour. They range from 3500 to 40,000 Btu/h. These models use 45 oz of oil for the charge. They are used as air-conditioning units and for almost any other temperature range applications. They use R-134a or suitable substitute or R-22 for refrigerant.

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