Cooling System

The cooling system on cars and trucks must be dealt with in a safe manner. The liquid that transfers heat from the engine to the radiator as well as into the cab to the heater core is called coolant, and it is typically a mixture of antifreeze and pure water. Care must be taken to never attempt to repair a cooling system when the engine is at operating temperature or above due to the system operating under a pressure of 14 to 17 pounds per square inch (psi). This means time should always be taken to allow the engine to cool down before removing the cap that holds the coolant in the system.

In addition to hot systems being a safety concern, coolant should always be drained into a suitable container when it is removed from the engine for maintenance or repair. Used coolant should also be disposed of in a proper and legal manner. Many parts stores allow customers to bring in used fluids to be recycled. The store will typically record the names of people who bring in used fluids. Coolant should never be poured out on the ground or into a drain that connects to public sewer systems.

It is vital to use confident actions when connecting and disconnecting service hoses to the service ports on the AC system. The valve should also be in the released position when connecting and disconnecting it
from the

Refrigerant should only be stored in areas that are free from direct sunlight or added heat. The pressurized refrigerant should also be stored away from areas where lots of movement and sharp objects are present to prevent one of the containers from being

A reliable drain pan should be placed under the drain valve when releasing coolant from the radiator. There is typically an open path for the draining coolant to reach the pan without running down the frame, but care should be taken to catch as much of the draining coolant as

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